EMF UML MDA Eclipse iterative process modeling software
EMF UML MDA Eclipse iterative process modeling software

Welcome and thank you for visiting our new web pages

Metys Software community is pleased to present Merlin, an innovative product which we hope will change the perception of software development practices.

Merlin is designed to ease and improve the use of the most advanced software modeling and development methodologies, and tailor the agile and iterative processes used by project teams - XP (eXtreme Programming), RUP (Rational Unified Process), Agile Modeling, etc - in the most productive way. Merlin makes it accessible, fun and manageable to work with models whose apparent complexity and/or difficult enactment slows down team productivity.

Our ambition is to help you to draw the real benefits of your methodologies and development tools, apply them in a much more practical way, and equip each project contributor with the adequate tools to cope with the challenges of software development.

Metys Software is an open source community and not a corporation. You can anyway support us by donating through this link : Support This Project

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