Unified Process RUP XP extreme programming iterative lifecylce
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Unified Process RUP XP extreme programming iterative lifecylce

Iterative Processes

Development teams need controlled work practices, which integrate the various facets of the development, they need processes capable of:

  • Elicit the organization of team activities.
  • Depict the tasks of each individual and the interactions with the whole team within those activities.
  • Specify the artifacts to be produced by the activities.
  • Propose criteria for controlling and evaluating project's artifacts.

Only at these conditions, one can ensure the reliability of a software project.

A lot of project leaders manage their project with proprietary or personal methodologies and processes, but they draw a lot from standard processes commonly used in the object community.

To reduce application complexity and risks related to a complete development, these processes propose an iterative approach. In this approach, the various phases of the project are divided into iterations. An iteration represents a complete and incremental cycle of a phase realization. That means an iteration must produce a usable and executable result, which could be possibly amended by the next iterations of the same phase.

Iterative approach has many advantages:

  • That to limit the costs to the strict expenditure related to only one iteration.
  • That to limit the risks by evaluating very early the problems and the insufficiencies of the project.
  • That to limit the delays in the delivery of the product.
  • That to allow the team to work in a effective and dedicated way on well delimited features.
  • That to take into account the evolution of the end user or stakeholder requirements.

The eXtreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development methodology that focuses on the critical activities required to build software.

It's admitted that XP fits small, collocated project teams (4–10 people), where the requirements are un-certain, and a good relationship exists with project stakeholders.


The Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an agile software development methodology based on short iterations that includes explicit modeling activities.

It fits small project teams (4–20 people) that have uncertain requirements, and is willing to follow a modeling-driven approach.


Promoted by IBM, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is at the same time an iterative methodology and a Web-tool.

Designed primarily for projects of more than 10 people, the RUP defines a rich and very complete catalog of the various tasks and deliverable of the software projects. This richness has its counterpart: RUP is extremely expensive to customize, it makes a too significant place for the process, and few for the development and technology.

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